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SMART FARM 4.0 - Smart solutions for sustainable, predictive and autonomous agriculture


Grant Agreement Number


National Project


Past project

Start date

1 July 2020

End date

30 June 2023

SMART FARM 4.0 - Smart solutions for sustainable, predictive and autonomous agriculture


Agriculture 4.0


The project Smart Farm 4.0 - Intelligent solutions for a sustainable agriculture
predictive and autonomous agriculture aims to design and develop innovative and
solutions, based on basic technologies of industry 4.0 (IoT, AI, Big Data
cyber-physical systems, autonomous robots) for application to the agricultural sector
horti-, fruti- and viticulture, as well as boosting sustainable, predictive
predictive, autonomous, and high value-added agriculture practices, in order to add value to the agri-food industry in the Western Region, nationally and internationally. For this purpose, the project brings together a broad consortium of 17 business entities and entities of IS&I, of national reference, with global positioning, inserted in the value chain of agro-food and ICT value chain, capable of ensuring the correct and effective execution of the objectives of the project, including the scientific-technical objectives and of economic/commercial nature.


Tomix - Indústria de Equipamentos Agrícolas e Industriais, Lda | Adega
Cooperativa São Mamede da Ventosa, CRL | Associação para a Valorização Agraria | Centro
Operativo e Tecnológico Hortofrutícola Nacional | Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de
Lisboa | Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa | FLOWAKE, Lda |
IMPACTWAVE, Lda | Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência|
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P. | Instituto Politécnico de Leiria |
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa | Laboratório Colaborativo para a Inovação Digital na
Agricultura | Luis Vicente, S.A. | OPTIMIZEPLANET, Lda

Global Budget

€ 3 588 453,95

Project Website

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