SFCOLAB International Wednesdays
SFCOLAB International Wednesdays, are series of sessional international events, organized by RICS-UNINOVA and Smart-Farm Colab (SFCOLAB), bringing together guest speakers, a space for new Smart Farming challenges, and global funding opportunities discussions.
​The main Objectives of these events are:
· ​Understanding the present and future global perspective along with the challenges of Smart Farming
· ​Discussing Farm-to-Fork challenges and promote market-potential innovations to foster the agro-tech added value
· ​Fostering the Consortium promotion for funding opportunities
· ​Promoting international synergies and connecting agri-tech players for collaboration opportunities
​Prof. Jose Barata (RICS group coordinator and Scientific Director of SFCOLAB) , Dr. Sanaz Nikghadam Hojjati, and Dr. Javad Jassbi from RICS and Dr Catia Pinto from SFCOLAB are the organizing team of these events.